Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Batik motif chemical structure has to go international

The development of batik in Indonesia is very fast both in terms of motifs and colors, from batik palace, coastal, contemporary batik is so contemporary batik. The recognition of UNESCO, the world's cultural heritage as batik from Indonesia, resulted in increased interest in using batik in everyday society. Conservation efforts are not only done by batik clothes batik, but required further development of the motives of batik in Indonesia. Moreover, UNESCO's recognition is only valid for 10 years. what if other countries just developing community while Indonesian batik could only wear it alone? it is probable that our batik award will switch to another country. One of batik conservation efforts, me and myf riends from Yogyakarta State University students of Indonesia develop batik motifs from the chemical structure of organic compounds. Our trademark chem's batik is derived from the word chemistry and batik. batik motif chemical structure is internationally known for her hopes will go to other nations. especially when the international Alchemist wear. Chem's presence is expected to promote batik batik chemical structure to a general audience because of batik is very unique and exciting opportunity for patented. batik motifs chemical structure that we made very affordable for the public to the printed batik valued Rp 58000.00 (USD 7) each 2 meter, while for the handmade batik Rp 135 000.00-Rp 150 000.00 (USD 15 - USD 18) each 2 meter. batik motif chemical structure is different from the batik are generally so many consumers are interested in, however the consumer always wants to buy batik motif that differs from another.

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